Some More of the Best Tracks of 2024 – So Far

If my records are right, today is April 29th.  A friend of mine, who shall remain nameless because he sometimes reads this nonsense, refuses to get out of bed on April 29th.  He claims it is the unluckiest day of the year and as such remains in bed where it is safer (as long as discount things like bed bugs and rogue shelves).  He’s probably over reacting I hear you say, well possibly, but let me explain as briefly and as sensitively as I can, and maybe you can see his point.

His troubles started in 2011, when he was 38 years of age.  In 2011, he was involved in a car crash on April 29th, a drunk driver rammed into his car just outside Oxford and left him with a broken leg.   Which is probably enough to never want to make you get out of bed – but surely that was a one off and the date is irrelevant.  Read on my friends.

In 2013, on April 29th, he came home from work one lunch time because he had forgotten some notes that he needed for an afternoon meeting.  He walked in the unlocked back door and found his wife on the sofa with the chap from up the road, he accepts that they might have been looking for spare change or something but their clothes appear to have fallen off.

In 2016, on April 29th, he got made redundant from his job.  In 2017, on April 29th, he genuinely broke his ankle slipping on a banana skin and in 2021, on April 29th he ended up in hospital with Covid complications.  So he might have a point. I’m scared to phone him on April 29th in case his curse gets transferred to me over the telephone frequencies.

So instead of all that, I’m going to talk about some of best tracks of this year that haven’t already featured on this blog so far (and by that I mean the recent singles by Dog Race, Kim Gordon and Catching Flies).  Right, let’s start with this shouty little slice of Irish language hip hip.  Yes you read that right.

Better Way to Live – Kneecap (featuring Grian Chatten) (2024, Heavenly Records)

Kneecap are a three piece from Belfast who sing (or rap in this case) in both Irish and English who controversy has followed around for all their careers – largely one suspects because of their staunchly Republican views and the fact that they curse throughout their songs (‘Better way to Live’ by the way drops the C-Bomb about two thirds of the way through).  They say their lyrics reflect everyday Belfast life.  I say they are terrific and you should all listen to them on repeat.

Right next up this

Velvet – Royel Otis (2024, Ourness Records)

Royel Otis are a duo from Sydney who earlier this year released their debut album, the evocatively titled ‘Pratts & Pain’ which sounds like the worse firm of accountants in the entire world (its actually a pub in London around the corner from Dan Carey’s studio).  Musically they make a kind of psychedelic indie pop, a bit like what MGMT would sound like if they listened to more Dinosaur Jr records, and that’s no bad thing at all.

You might want to stand up for this one,

Wendorlan – Squarepusher (2024, Warp Records)

I promised myself that after almost going deaf in a Squarepusher gig in a tent in London in the summer of 2022 that I wouldn’t listen to his records again, but then he released ‘Wendorlan’ and I changed my mind.  ‘Wendorlan’ is utterly bonkers, breakneck techno at its absolute finest.  Just don’t try and dance to it if you are aged over, 25.

Last up today, if you are lucky enough to be a member of the Musical Jury I may have mentioned this lot to and they are something of a teaser for what is coming in June, but here is a track from Geneva Squat Rock Punks, Bound by Endogamy – who are the third best band with the word DOG in their name to have emerged this year (behind Fat Dog and Dog Race).  Its released on Bongo Joe Records, a label that is fast becoming my favourite label.

Cogs – Bound by Endogamy (2023, Bongo Joe Records)


  1. therobster71 says:

    I wonder if working with Kneecap has influenced Grian Chatten just a little bit. His vocal style on the new Fontaines DC single certainly sounds more rhythmic than his previous efforts.


  2. JC says:

    29 April 2024 can down as the day I officially felt old. First time ever, in all the years you’ve been writing, that I’ve listened to your recommendations and just shook my head. 

    I’m away for a lie-down.


  3. barrystubbs says:

    lol. I thought Squarepusher would be right up your street.


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