Engin Badger krafist Evrópumeistaramót – #1

1. Bjork

One Day – Bjork (1993, One Little Indian Records)

Points 199

Highest Position: 1st

This maybe the first time that this comparison has ever been made in public, but I am about to try and liken Bjork’s, the Icelandic pixie of pop, performance in this countdown to a 1968 Disney movie called ‘The Love Bug’.  Bear with me, it will probably make sense. 

In that movie, the Love Bug mentioned is in fact a car, a VW Beetle called Herbie (who went on to make several other films, none of which were particularly interesting) who turns out to be alive.  Several high speed shenanigans take place, mostly involving comic book baddie, Peter Thorndyke (wonderfully played by David Tomlinson, who said later that he tried to make Thorndyke be as much like Dick Dasterdly as possible) and his various schemes to stop Herbie winning a race, all of which fail because Herbie is consistently brilliant.

Possibly Maybe – Bjork (1995, One Little Indian Records)

Hunter – Bjork (1998, One Little Indian Records)

None of which is like Bjork at all, (unless you want to imagine Tricky in the Thorndyke role during his ‘Nearly God’ phase from 1996 in which his claustrophobic ego trip hop record almost damaged several careers)

Yoga – Nearly God (and Bjork) (1996, Island Records)

Anyway, during the middle part of the Love Bug movie, Herbie falls to bits due to Mr Nasty Thorndyke, and he finishes the first part of a race in last place, with only two wheels and bits hanging off of him and nobody really wants to know him apart from his owner.  In the end it takes a kindly American Japanese business man to patch him up as best he can so that Herbie can continue in the race, but by and large it don’t look good for poor old Herbie.

Innocence – Bjork (2007, One Little Indian Records)

But of course, it all turns out alright in the end, Herbie speeds back into the race and wins everyone’s hearts in the process but Herbie remains very fragile and as the movie reaches its conclusion it appears that Herbie is being held together by a single bolt in the middle of the car, which is slowly working itself loose.

Crystalline – Bjork (2011, One Little Indian Records)

As the race ends, Herbie is behind the car of Thorndyke and he looks like he is going to win and confine Herbie to the scrapheap, but then Herbie splits in two and one part rolls past Thorndyke’s car and crosses the line first.  The other part of the car finishes third.

In this contest Bjork finished first and third.  See I told you it would all make sense in the end.

Oh, ok, here’s some of the words of the Musical Jury, to explain why Bjork rules

Here’s MJM Ljubljana

Bjork should win this for being, well, Bjork, well that and for once being in a band called Tappi Tikarras, (Cork the Bitch’s Ass in English)”.

And here is MJM Cardiff,

I fucking love Bjork.  Her solo career has been extraordinary, constantly pushing boundaries and always sounding unique.  Plus she is, and always has been exceptionally cute.”

Still unconvinced, well here for the fourth time this week , is Helsinki,

Bjork is one of my generations touchstones.  A friend said to me recently in all seriousness that in 100 years time she’ll be viewed like Picasso or Warhol.  I couldn’t disagree.  When I met my wife, ‘Big Time Sensuality was one of the songs of that period, played repeatedly and in various versions.  So for personal reasons, Bjork should win.”

Big Time Sensuality – Bjork (1993, One Little Indian Records)

And if that isn’t enough, here is Kirkcaldy (no updates from Swinney I’m afraid). 

Cats on Fire!!!!”


Anyway, it’s hard to disagree with any of the above, except maybe Kirkcaldy and my rambling nonsense about the Love Bug.  Bjork is a deserved winner of this contest.

Which leaves just two things to do, the first thing is to thank the Musical Jury for their time and their patience and offer an extra thanks to those who stepped in for the penalty shootout. As ever, you are all brilliant and this blog literally couldn’t function without you all.

The second thing is to issue our now regular call for new Jury members.  If you disagree with the Jury and feel utter umbrage at the fact that Aqua or the Vengaboys or Tango with Lions didn’t get placed then get in touch – Nobadgerrequired@googlemail.com will find us.   The next Jury vote will commence in about a months time with the nomination phase and here is a clue to what it might involve.

Good Dancers – The Sleepy Jackson (2003, Capitol Records)

This entire series is dedicated to the original MJM#22 (and that number has now been retired), RACB to those who knew him.  Who we sadly lost halfway through April. Rest in Peace my friend, your wisdom, your humour, your smile and your seemingly endless knowledge of Greek islands will never be forgotten.

Nightswimming – R.E.M (1992, Warner Brothers Records)


  1. Ljubljana / Bern says:

    Excellent work as always SWC.

    I’ve send the Swedish Indie police round to work out what happened to all the Jens Lekman and Hello Saferide votes – i suspect Russian interference – they continue to attack the pillars of Western Democracy.

    Looking forward to selecting my favourite Jackson – its probably Luscious


  2. baggingarea says:

    Despite the criminally low placing for Neu! this has been another excellent series and much more fun than watching England in the football Euros. Bjork is I think a worthy winner.

    Favourite Jackson would be Pollock, but Luscious is a good shout.


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